Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Fear and Loathing = Sexy?

So, we're like 3 days into the McCain/Palin Experience Featuring Joe Lieberman, and what do we know about our Republican Candidate for VP?

  • She LOVES abstinence-only education, despite overwhelming clinical evidence (not to mention exhibit A in the bedroom next to her own) that that shit don't do shit.

  • She FEARS abortion. Yet feels the need to praise, and be praised, for choosing life. CHOOSING. That's the operative word, you twit.

  • She LOVES guns. I can't really argue with that, actually. 1, there's no way in hell she'd get elected in Alaska on a gun control platform (I assume), and 2, if I lived in Alaska, I'd probably want a rifle around, too.

  • She FEARS intellectualism. And really just learning in general. Between promoting teaching creationism to banning books and running librarians out of town, she's about an eyelash away from Jiang Qing and the Cultural Revolution.

  • She LOVES God. In a way that only she could EVER understand. But she'd be happy to sit down and explain it all to you, and exactly why you're going to hell if you disagree, you pagan asshole.

  • She really LOVES freedom.
"You're right, actually. I am pretty- I'm, I'm pretty troubled and I'm, I'm pretty confused. But I... and I'm afraid. Really, really afraid. Really afraid. But I... I... I think you're the fucking Antichrist."

1 comment:

Alex said...

Yes, I know the bikini photo's a fake. I don't care. It's what the internet is for dammit.

America! Fuck Yeah!