Thursday, June 26, 2008

Kanye West has interesting priorities

So recently at Bonnaroo, Kanye was to go on around 8:30. He complained that it wouldn't be dark enough for his glow in the dark-focused performance to achieve it's full artistic expression. So they moved his slot to after main act Pearl Jam. He was slated to go on around 2:30 AM, a pretty ambitious plan, but hey, it's Bonnaroo. Someone'll still be up.

Of course, by the time the offloaded Pearl Jam's set and got Kanye's Magical Glowing Spaceship of Fun and Profit(TM) set up and ready to go, it was well after 4 AM. By then, the few fans remaining had begun chanting "Kanye sucks" and throwing beer at the stage.

Full story is here (blogger being a bitch about hyperlinks right now):

Kanye's retort: "This Bonnaroo thing is the worst insult I've ever had in my life," West wrote. "This is the most offended I've ever been ... this is the maddest I ever will be."

Really, Kanye? This makes you more mad than the federal response to Hurricane Katrina? This makes you more mad than the Rodney King verdict? This makes you more mad than communities plagued by senseless violence, the war in Iraq, and the 2000 election? Wow. That's some serious egotism. I've got an idea: go fuck yourself.

You delay a performance until after 4 AM, and you're damn straight I'm gonna boo your ass. While I am tempted to read into the racial dynamic (Bonnaroo=well to do white kids on drugs), no, I'm sorry. Going on at 4:30 is unnacceptable on every level, and I would boo Jesus if he made me stay up that late for the fucking Sermon on the Mount, much less your ridiculous fucking glow in the dark, Space Oddity wannabe bullshit.

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