Thursday, August 16, 2007

Now entering brokesville. Population: me

I'm late in getting to this, and I have no excuse. I've just started perusing the ridiculously rich and massive collection of music being reissued by Hip-O Select , under the moniker "The Complete Motown Singles."

Each set covers a year of motown at its peak, and as far as I can tell, each is easily worth the lofty price tag. Oh dear. If I had to choose one, and only one, so far 1967 would win out. Apparently, I'm not alone. I consider it a massive personal failing that I am only just now getting into this stuff. Yeah, I'd always loved the favorites, but the fact that, until today, I had never given the Four Tops' "Bernadette" a serious listen is just a crime.

I intend to make up for lost time, and probably lose my wallet along the way.

Of course, Kenny Gamble is in the early stages of reissuing all the old Philly Sound soul, which I have always loathed, but, honestly, have never given a fair shake. I've learned my lesson. Kenny, bring it on. I'll give it another, more honest try.

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