Have you considered Sesame Place? No? What, do you hate freedom?
The only thing more American than overpriced theme parks smelling vaguely of urine is the 2nd Amendment.
Charlton Heston, also smelling of urine.
That's right. Right now, if you go to the NRA's website and donate funds, you can get free passes to Sesame Place. Of course, the tickets weren't purchased by NRA, but donated by Anheuser-Busch, which owns Sesame Place. Cause, after all, what's family fun and guns without booze? A day without sunshine, that's what.
Of course, Coors' right wing leanings have been well documented (even if the depth of their evil has been a bit exaggerated), but I wasn't aware that the makers of Budweiser also support the gun lobby. What will they say when they see their poster boy happily promoting a (shudder) craft brewer?
Side note: Flying Fish Farmhouse Summer Ale (pictured) is delicious.
So, your options for this weekend are clear:
Donate to the NRA, buy some Bud, and go to Sesame Place to work on your ulcer.
Donate to the FCNL, buy some Farmhouse, and go to the beach to oogle some boogles.
I trust you'll make the right decision.
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