Friday, January 25, 2008


I finally got around to picking up the recent album put out by DC band Statehood, "Lies and Rhetoric". Statehood features Eric Axelson on bass and Joe Easley on drums. You might recognize them from such bands as the Dismemberment Plan.

But enough name dropping - is it any good?

Yeah. It's good. The lead singer has a serious case of sandy vag emo affectation, but otherwise it's quite good. Hearing Easley again is worth the price of admission, and his work on End the Moderation is on par with, if not better, than the most energetic of DPlan songs. Axelson continues to do good work throughout, offsetting the singer's wussiness with a nice rolling bassline that keeps up with the drums. If the vocals were on par, this would be a GREAT album. And yes, I realize that my viewpoint is impossibly jaded, given my adoration of Travis Morrison, but there it is.

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