Tuesday, November 6, 2007

President Gon' Getcha

Try as I might to resist, I've been pulled back in by Dennis Kucinich's goofy, alien-believing craziness. I loved him in '04, and I love him now.
Hat tip to Rebecca Traister @ Salon for this link: Take the quiz, and hop aboard Kucinich's magic love barrel, careening off the waterfall of political suicide!


Jeff said...

Interesting. But I have all kinds of beef with this thing.

First of all, all three of my candidates had a mere 4 of 11 conversion rate. How'd they break the tie?

Second, my #2 choice was the blandest, phoniest, panderingest, carpetbaggingest, scummiest, most Mormonest ex-"governor" the great state of Massachusetts has ever seen. So hey, why not just put the poop directly into my mouth to begin with? Why make me go through all those hoops first? I'd just assume get it over with up front. "Click the button to be told you should vote for Romney." Thank God I didn't say my ideal president should have run a business...

Third, my winner was Joe Biden. While I don't mind being associated with a crazy old bastard, it was on the strength of two Iraq agreements and two immigration agreements. That seems unfair. We have nothing else in common.

Alex said...

your criticisms of it are apt. It doesn't give weighted value to responses from candidates that are "close" politically to the answer you give.
So while, say, I might want unconditional and immediate troop pullout from Iraq, a candidate who believes in a phased withdrawal should score higher for me than someone who thinks we should stay in Iraq and also invade Iran. This model doesn't do that.

What I found most interesting is that Mme Clinton scored very, very low. While I would vote for her in a general election in a heartbeat, it was interesting to have the fact graphically depicted that none of her positions are perfectly in line with mine. Hence, the ultimate candidate of compromise. Then again, Billy Clinton was the same way (I was a HUGE Tsongas guy in 1992), and that turned out pretty well.

Gabe said...

The Kuce is loose! #2 was Gravel, and #3 was McCain. I clearly should not be allowed to vote.